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Showing posts from 2013 .. not a good sign

Not many freshers know what really happens in a Design Class in the first year, probably a hardcore enthusiast might but most don't. Unlike popular misconceptions you really don't start to draw a plan in your first week in college. We just go prepared with the ammunition, yes the T-scale, the numerous pencils and other paraphernalia from the long list given to us on Day1. And whats the first thing you learn, to sharpen your pencil, yes you heard me right, sharpen your pencil but not with a sharpener but with a knife (not the kitchen knife, sorry we are not butchers here, not yet anyway, only just ten years from now when we get to butcher our clients). Ok so as I said, our sir, gathers us around and shows us how to sharpen a pencil using the knife. He's obviously an expert and it almost plays out like the scene from Rambo, where he sharpens a piece of wood into a knife. In seconds we have the perfectly sharpened pencil. The process of course is not an easy one to master.Yo...

Chapter 6 - The Asinine Assignments

If an outsider were to try to distinguish a fresher from a senior, its pretty easy, for other than the typical awkwardness, in certain cases the unnecessary boldness, the fearful trepidation shown in their faltering steps, there are some other unique aspects that differentiate the everyday CETian from the newbie. One such unique aspect is the dark rings around his/her eyes from sleepless nights of penning assignments not just for themselves but for the oh so wonderful merciful SENIORS. The good thing however about Archi is that very few seniors risk giving their drawing assignments to the freshers (except to a select few who are masters of the craft.. like the few in my very class, remember Art Attack ....aa sweet redemption) for the results can often be catastrophic. Some birdie had already updated the seniors on my talent and so no drawing assignments came my way but that did not stop the barrage of written assignments. Now, there is no need to establish that outsourcing one's...